Sunday, February 15, 2009

I have a life now....

Step Sing is over. Wow. I'm kind of sad to see it go actually. Still no videos on youtube....hopefully soon. My show didn't place, but my favorite show (PiKapp) won sweepstakes. I just LOVE the boy is just so precious to see the boys up there singing and dancing.

What has taken the place of Step Sing in my life? Latin American Literature. I am about to spend the rest of my semester with "La Casa Verde" by Mario Vargas Llosa. And scholarly articles about it, some written in Spanish. Sigh. At least I'm knocking out one of my 400-level classes early.


  1. So you are reading a book called "The Green House" - is it about a gardener? a farmer? or someone who lives in a house painted green?
