Saturday, March 7, 2009

La Vida Después (de Step Sing)

Everything has been (relatively uneventful here). I don't know my housing situation for next year, and I know for a fact that I'm not doing anything with my friends for Spring Break, so its been a bit of a bummer for a while. Just hasn't been anything really blog-worthy I guess. Hmm...I studied more for my Spanish Literature midterm than I ever have in my life...that was fun...not. Went out to a Mexican restaurant last night for Jess's birthday...was able to not only order, but also got BigSteve help with the tamale he didn't know how to eat, and told the Mariachi band that it was "Yessica's" birthday--todo en español

Going home in a week--which is a blessing and a curse. Lots of people have their Spring break this coming week, so I don't think many of my high school friends, besides the ones that stayed in the area, will be home...lame.

On a completely unrelated note, Step Sing Videos are up!

Here's my show....there's only one part where you can really see me (In the song about the Prince's crown). I don't say this to be self-centered, I say it because the people who are reading this are mainly my family members, who would want to find me.

And here are the two guys shows....
PiKapp won the whole thing

And Sigma Chi...they didn't win any awards, but they got me to watch Braveheart. Actually, I think they may have been disqualified from awards, because nothing is supposed to change in your show from the Saturday tech rehearsal all through dress rehearsals and performances....and tinkerbell...yeah, tinkerbell just came out on Saturday night.

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