Thursday, February 4, 2010

Junior Year

So here we are, and I haven't posted in nearly a year. I was never really a good blogger to begin with, so we'll try it again

Taking 18 hours this semester, all in the same building and all but one in the same classroom. Not sure what my favorite is, and though the scenery can be quite monotonous, I absolutely adore most everyone in my major, so I love being in classes with them all the time. As much as I love being in class. I have a topic selected for Sr. Research, which will be designed this semester, submitted to the IRB, and conducted in the Fall. I can't believe I have less than a year and a half left. And I can't believe I only have three months left with the dear FAMS seniors!

Secretary of Spanish club, which hasn't meant much this semester yet. Working Mondays at an after-school program at a local church/school for K-2 children, I love it. Children are so sweet and there's nothing like a kindergardner hugging "Miss Sandra" to make me forget the worries of the day. Tutoring ESL students on Thursday. I already love those students and am just so proud of them and how hard they are trying and are achieving. Still trying to stay connected at Sav-A-Life, but nothing has opened up there where I have availability. Playing with the babies about one Sunday a month at church, so darling, but lots of the babies I started with are about to age up to the next nursery. Need to start going back to college group for church.

Pleasure reading: Love and War by John Jakes. I was on a good streak but haven't touched it in nearly a week. An epic novel, so sometimes its great and some parts drag. Of course, someone else would disagree on which parts are great, and which drag.

Devotional reading: A Woman After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George. Unfortunately, in Christian literature, I find myself at the age between "young woman" (which is generally geared towards middle and high school) and "woman" (which definitely means husand and normally also children. Captivating is the exception). Though it has so far been good to read and pray about the future (and thank God for the woman my Mama has been in my life), it has not seemed particularly relevant to my life as it stands now. Next time I want a book for women, I'm heading to the "Singles Interest" section.

Watching: Monday nights (or Tuesday afternoons, depending on my schedule) mean its Bachelor time. Not really following Idol or anything else. Excited about some of the new movies coming out, not so much about their V-Day placement, but that's for another post.

Listening: Country of course, but I've also been rediscovering some old classics. Particularly Amy Grant, Point of Grace, and Travis Tritt. My Mama and Dad would be so happy.

Things are going good with my friends. For the relatives who don't talk with me that frequently but read this, yes, I am still single. It happens when you go to a school that's 75% your own gender. Looking forward to going to Mobile for Mardi Gras and NOT watching couples snuggle this weekend. Thinking about what I'm doing with the rest of my life and am starting to lead more and more towards teaching, but not wanting to do the extra education. Trying not to play the "what if" game: What if I had known I wanted to teach? Where would I have gone? What would my life be like at Texas A&M? (The school I looked at most closely that I've seen has a bilingual ed program. It also has a nearly even guy/girl ratio, possibly even more guys than girs! And Big 12 football). But as Tim Rushlow of Little Texas sang:

Try not to think about what might have been,

cause that was then, and we have taken different roads
We can't go back again, there's no use giving in
And there's no way to know what might have been

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Wow, I'm finally updating this after about two months. I guess I haven't found much interesting. anyway, we have had guests in our house since 15 minutes after I got home, so it's been a weird way to start the summer. Passed all my classes (I don't think most people are really concerned with passing, I think they really mean getting a 3.0 or higher in every class). For those of you who care, I got a 3.75 for the semester and am very satisfied with it.

Despite all the news about it being impossible for college students to find jobs, I got one today! Finally! I will be in retail once again, working at Dots. Change in location though.

To add to the excitement, I won a tv call in contest and will be going to see Rascal Flatts next Friday!!!! They aren't my favorite country band, but I like them! And its a free summer concert...indoor concerts just aren't the same...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just another night

I was supposed to be in bed by now. Well, if you had asked me on Sunday (which is or is not yesterday, but technically its past midnight now, so, who knows), I thought I would still be up trying to come up with words for a Spanish paper. Fortunately, I talked to a boy who knows better than me, and it did not have to be as long as I had thought. I was getting the ball rolling with it though. Still..the thought of that long a paper in a foreign language intimiadates me more than a little.

Ive been hearing on the radio about this Stadium fest thing that's coming to Samford. A few major Christian recording artists are gonna be there, plus the event is gonna be free. Since its the day of AOII formal, going with Katie and Matt isn't an option, so I think I'm gonna try and volunteer. It should be a really awesome thing. Chris Tomlin and Jeremy Camp are the two headliners, plus some really awesome preachers.

Beach trip this Friday and Saturday. Can't wait. Matt is finding us a hotel tomorrow at work I think :-). I was so doubtful about this trip a week ago, now I'm stoked. I might complain about Samford, (never really about the location though), but this proximity to the beach is an awesome thing about going to school in the Deep South. (Think about that one Christa....I guess you have Lake Michigan...but you can't really swim or tan there). (Note to extended family: so far as I know Christa has not made a decision, I just can't think of anything in Nebraska to even compare to a beach...except the "coast" of clue what that is, just that its a landscape on Oregon Trail II).

I would really love to get that babysitting job. Not even about the money, just that that baby is soooo precious. I would just love to get to hold him for 10-15 hours a week, whether or not I got paid.

Ok, I think I'm gonna give sleep another try now. Hopefully it works out.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Another try

So, I still haven't been able to put a picture up, I just haven't figured it out. Sorry.

Grades are going pretty good this semester so far...need to get more on top of Spanish stuff, but I'm in the same boat as the rest of my class, which is reassuring.

I had an interview for a babysitting job today. Posting about it on the internet may be bad luck. I think it went well, but there's one other girl up for it, and she may have more experience or availability than I do. However it goes, I got to hold an ADORABLE 4 month old baby today...he was just the sweetest thing ever. Reminded me of when I met Eva...he's in the spit-up stage, but so happy and so friendly.

My favorite people here and I are trying to plan a beach trip for next weekend. Weather isn't looking the best right now, but really, how accurate are 10-day forecasts. I still have hope.

I love my Samford people, but I'm ready for summer. 2 weeks til Easter though :-)...and only a month of school after that.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

La Vida Después (de Step Sing)

Everything has been (relatively uneventful here). I don't know my housing situation for next year, and I know for a fact that I'm not doing anything with my friends for Spring Break, so its been a bit of a bummer for a while. Just hasn't been anything really blog-worthy I guess. Hmm...I studied more for my Spanish Literature midterm than I ever have in my life...that was fun...not. Went out to a Mexican restaurant last night for Jess's birthday...was able to not only order, but also got BigSteve help with the tamale he didn't know how to eat, and told the Mariachi band that it was "Yessica's" birthday--todo en español

Going home in a week--which is a blessing and a curse. Lots of people have their Spring break this coming week, so I don't think many of my high school friends, besides the ones that stayed in the area, will be home...lame.

On a completely unrelated note, Step Sing Videos are up!

Here's my show....there's only one part where you can really see me (In the song about the Prince's crown). I don't say this to be self-centered, I say it because the people who are reading this are mainly my family members, who would want to find me.

And here are the two guys shows....
PiKapp won the whole thing

And Sigma Chi...they didn't win any awards, but they got me to watch Braveheart. Actually, I think they may have been disqualified from awards, because nothing is supposed to change in your show from the Saturday tech rehearsal all through dress rehearsals and performances....and tinkerbell...yeah, tinkerbell just came out on Saturday night.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I have a life now....

Step Sing is over. Wow. I'm kind of sad to see it go actually. Still no videos on youtube....hopefully soon. My show didn't place, but my favorite show (PiKapp) won sweepstakes. I just LOVE the boy is just so precious to see the boys up there singing and dancing.

What has taken the place of Step Sing in my life? Latin American Literature. I am about to spend the rest of my semester with "La Casa Verde" by Mario Vargas Llosa. And scholarly articles about it, some written in Spanish. Sigh. At least I'm knocking out one of my 400-level classes early.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Try

Ok, so I made this blog thing about a week ago, but haven't actually written anything. Let's blame Step Sing--its the general excuse for life here at SU in the first few weeks of the semester. An even that is not only time consuming but very secretive...I haven't really been able to talk about it to any close friends except Leslie...but now that the world, or at least half of the Step Sing participants, have seen A Royal Life, I am free to discuss it. Hopefully the video is up on youtube soon so I can show it to yall.

Oh yeah, I'm taking classes too. Heres the rundown
1. Statistics-MWF at 10:30 (my earliest class, though I do have to work before it on Mondays and Wednedays). My prof does not seem that smart for having a doctorate in Math. However, I may be somewhat biased because my most recent math teacher was a GENIUS!
2. Intro to Sociology-Immediately after stats....the class that wants to turn me liberal. Hasn't worked yet.
3. Latin American Literature-Freedom and Repression. TR at 11-12:50 Not only poetry, but poetry in a foreign language. However, my profe y classmates are fantasticos.
4. Human Biology-Imm after Latin American Literature. Not my favorite class. And probably once again biased, but I think my high school bio teacher was better. And he didn't believe in evolution.

Thats all for now. Adios yall.